Lent Day 8

Behopeumc   -  

Lent Day 8

Hymn “You are Mine” TFWS 2218 You Are Mine – David Haas – YouTube

Favorite Line: I will call your name, embrace all your pain, stand up now walk and live!

Why: I love the message that Jesus will us, remove our fear, heal us and bring us home!

Over and over again, throughout God’s story of redemption, we are commanded not to fear! It’s a message that God tries really hard to hammer into us. Why? Well, because fear keeps us from living fully into the blessing that God lays before us. Fear keeps us from moving forward. Fear keeps us from trusting in God. Fear makes us act out against others. Fear makes us treat people as enemies and as outcasts. Now, maybe I am wrong, but I have on many occasions heard stories of Jesus telling us, “Do not fear,” and far fewer of Jesus saying, “Do not sin.” Now, don’t take that statement to mean that Jesus never talks about sinning and that it wouldn’t be a good idea for us to stop sinning, but it is interesting to me how much more acquainted, at least I am with Jesus saying, do not fear. All I am saying is that Jesus made the point of telling us not to fear. Seemingly more so than telling us not to sin. Why? I think the reason is we know sins are bad but often forget the damaging effects that fear has on our life of faith. No one is going to argue that sins draw us away from God, but many of us may struggle with the idea that fear keeps us from fully living a life of being called by God.

For these reasons, I love what our contributor adds to this song. This song talks about having a life and living a life in Jesus. And one of the barriers to that is fear. If we want to stand up and have life, we need to give away our fear to God. That last part is key. It is God that takes away our fears. When we trust in God, we don’t need to fear any longer. We don’t take the fear away, but God does. And for that, I am thankful. Today, I encourage you to give your fears to God so that you can stand up, walk, and live!


Grace and peace,
Pastor Lee